Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just What Do I Make This Blog About?

At this point, with this whole blog thing being new, I have to ask myself what I should actually make it about.  Maybe it should just be random stuff. Since no one besides me even knows it exists I guess I can make it about anything.

I will start by saying stuff about me and stuff I like.

I'm newly 32 years old.
I have a dog who is totally cool and very popular. I guess he is everything I never managed to be.

I look like this sometimes:

Although my hair is longer now.

My ears look like this:

My back looks like this:  Actually, there's more than that now but I don't have a photo.

Needless to say, I like these:

Which includes flying in those and taking photos like these.

I like other stuff but I don't want to peak too early so it can wait.