Saturday, August 14, 2010


Canberra is a really good place to live because:
  1. It's small - you can drive across it in 40 minutes
  2. It's quiet - nothing ever happens
  3. Peak hour only occurs for a total of 2 hours a day
  4. You can't get lost because all the round-a-bouts spin you in a circle
  5. There are no tolls on the roads
  6. ummmmm
Canberra sucks because:

  1. Nothing ever happens here
  2. Stuff happens in other places and you have to travel to participate
  3. It's freezing bloody cold for 6 months of the year 
  4. We are rarely rewarded with snow for suffering through the bitter bloody cold
  5. It's scorching hot in summer 
  6. The ocean is 300km away
  7. Whilst the politicians never actually do anything here, Canberra is blamed for all the shit they get up to
  8. They build roads that instantly need extra lanes
  9. They have roadworks going on every major road at the same time
  10. Canberra just seems to be one of those ideas that people thought would turn out awesome but it kinda failed so now it just exists
Places I would rather be:
  1. Ireland because that's where my ancestors are from.  I know hardly anything about my history and I feel somewhat lost
  2. Canada because it looks like a cool place to live and it actually snows and I want to make a snow angel
  3. Arizona because it has a cool name and a desert.  Apparently it is landlocked but it looks like the beach would still be closer than it is here
  4. California because there's a beach (that much I know) and I can be a surfer dude even though the only time I ever surfed I got hit by the board and lost a nipple piercing as a result but I'm pretty sure if I tried to surf in California it would work. 
  5. New York because I think it would be terrifyingly awesome.  I want to experience hustle and bustle for a while so when I inevitably return to Canberra I will appreciate the nothingness it has to offer.

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